Money plays a part in the process. Causes of canonizations cost money. Western dioceses and religious congregations are wealthy enough to push their causes. Dioceses and indigenous religious

congregations tend to be poorer.

The Guatemalan diocese where Blessed Stanley Rother was martyred could not afford the cost of the process. Bl. Stanley's home Archdiocese of Oklahoma City was asked to take on the cost and the process.

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With the large number of martyrs in Nigeria and other African countries in modern times, there needs to be some way to advance these causes. Who funded the cause of the Uganda martyrs several decades ago?

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A small portion of the money came from the Archdiocese of Kampala and other dioceses in Uganda, but the greater amounts came from international religious congregations that served in Uganda.

I base this on the word of a Ugandan priest whose grand uncle, also a priest, participated in the process.

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Interesting. Very pleasant surprise that someone who actually knew the answer saw my comment!

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Participants in the Synod on Synodality need to raise this issue and frankly make themselves heard!

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They also generally come from the Eastern rather than the Western Hemisphere unless they are martyrs. How many Caribbean saints are there?

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